
10 Ways Social Media Can Negatively Affect Your Mental Health

9) Real Life Is Better Than Social Media?

Everyone I know is on their phone all the time. It seems like this whole generation’s forgotten how to have an actual conversation. The way we interact with people has changed dramatically in recent years. There is a trend in our culture that people have moved away from face-to-face interaction and turned to social media or texting instead. In some ways, this is harmless, but in other ways it can be detrimental. Every day, millions of photos are uploaded on Instagram.

10) Use New Tools Wisely!

Social media can negatively affect our mental health in a number of ways. If we’re not careful, we may be spending too much time on it and getting lost in the virtual world while feeling more isolated and vulnerable in the real world. I know that sounds like some heavy stuff but don’t worry, there are steps you can take to protect your mental health. Make sure you’re aware of all of the different benefits and risks for social media so you know how to use these tools wisely!


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