
10 Winter Wellness Tips for a Healthy Life

7) Get the most from the hot water urn (for dry sinuses and skin)

Steam will loosen congestion, open up sinuses, and soothe scratchy throats. Fill the urn halfway with water, add essential oils, wait until the water is hot and then put it on one of the highest settings. Put your face over the urn, keep your eyes open and breathe in deeply to get those dry sinuses loosened up!

8) Keep warm without turning up the heating

One of the best ways to warm up when it’s cold outside is by making tea. Once you’ve warmed your hands on the mug, turn up the heating just enough to keep you comfortable. And if it’s damp and not particularly chilly, go ahead and take off your sweater! You might also want to cook things like porridge, soup, or dumplings in your slow cooker so that you have something warm at any time of day.


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