
10 Winter Wellness Tips for a Healthy Life

9) Drink alcohol responsibly (be aware of risk factors, but don’t overdo it!)

In moderation, alcohol is safe. This phrase is frequently used in the media and by many people to justify drinking. But how do you know when you have reached moderation? Alcohol affects everyone differently, and your alcohol tolerance can change based on factors such as age, sex, weight, and food consumed before drinking.

10) Cheer yourself up with some vitamin D (it’s good for mood, too!)

Step out of the office and take in some sunshine. It’s important to get Vitamin D when it’s cold outside. A lack of sunlight leads to depression and lowers your mood! Get at least 10 minutes of direct sunlight without sunscreen (or just 5 if you burn easily) on your face, arms, hands, legs or feet each day.


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