
The Top 10 Health Problems People Face Today

3) Depression

Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people. Depression makes it difficult to enjoy things and take care of oneself, while also making individuals feel hopeless, worthless, and even suicidal. Depression can also have an enormous negative impact on a person’s relationships with others. The most important thing is to know what depression is, how it affects you and the individual you love, who to speak with about your concerns (such as a doctor or therapist), and what resources are available for those living with depression.

4) Asthma

Asthma is an allergic response that affects the lungs. When a person breathes in something they are allergic to, the muscles around their airways tighten and cause shortness of breath. The top symptoms of asthma include: coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and difficulty breathing.
Asthma usually has a variety of triggers such as: tobacco smoke, animals and other allergens.


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